Devlog 11: Finish line!

1. Introduction

Okay my dearest slothboarders, we are at the finish line of this last polish week and also of the whole project. It was a long run and a lot of work but we are thrilled to finally release our game and share it with the world. There are no new things to present since the team focused on polishing everything as good as possible. We had a lot of ups and downs, changed things, added new features or removed some that did not fit our vision anymore. It was a long but educational journey and we all grew a lot during this project. And even though it is not flawless, we are proud of what we achieved in the limited time we had. 

Thank you for joining us on this adventure and now enjoy the final devlog post! 

2. Art

Our artists focused mostly on playtesting the game to help the programmers fix bugs but also adjusted and tweaked small things here and there even further. Big thank you to our artists who made our game as funky and good looking as it is now. 

Additionally, we all worked on making our page more beautiful and better fitting to our game and style. A trailer was made so people get a small insight of what our crazy game is about and what they can expect. 

3. Programming

Our programmers implemented things made in the previous polish week like particles or wrapped up and fixed things that needed a little tweak. Big thank you to them to put our crazy ideas and visions into an actual game. They put a lot of work in this and sometimes went a bit crazy. I think it was worth it. 

3.1 Box destroyed

We made it so the boxes get destroyed after 3 seconds. Otherwise, they would keep laying there in the game. First, we deleted them box per box but for better performance we check for the whole group.

3.2.    Rocket UI Fixed

The Rocket boost didn’t get updated when it was being used. We fixed it, that way players can tell when they run out of boost.

3.3.    Leaderboard

The leaderboard got an update as well previously it only showed the players that finished the game aka the players that survived. Now the players that died also get shown on the leaderboard as “Killed In Action” with the colour of their sloth.

3.4.    Jump Particle

When the player does an “Ollie” it shows a particle. To show that the sloth does an “Ollie”.

3.5.    Fuel Pick Particle

When a player picks up fuel for the rocket boost it shows a little particle now to indicate the player that it has been picked.

3.6.    Hoop Particle

When the player goes through the hoops, they receive a small speed boost and to indicate this, We implemented a hoop particle that pops up when a player successfully goes through a hoop.

A final word

We thank all the people that playtested our game and gave feedback to help us improve. Of course a thank you to our supervisors who supported us throughout the project. And a big thank you to our friend Remo for making the cool track that we use as game music. He made this track just for us. 

We hope you like the final result and enjoy the game. 
Let's go slothboarding! 

Files 83 MB
May 29, 2023

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